What is Meeting Approval?
Meeting approval is a formal process where proposed meetings are reviewed and authorized by relevant stakeholders, particularly the board of directors. In most cases, a board meeting approval can refer to any instance or action item that necessitates the directions to sign off before implementation. Approvals ensure that everyone is aligned with the organizational goals, the resources are utilized effectively, and no time is wasted.
Why do meetings need approval?
Meetings can be time-consuming and effort-taking. Board meeting approval ensures that meetings serve a clear purpose with the right participants. Board members and organizations can also streamline processes and eliminate redundancy, while fostering informed and accountable decision-making.
Some common scenarios where board approval is required are:
- Adoption of the annual budget
- Amendment in company name, bylaws, or policies
- Changes or approval of previous meeting minutes
- Changes or approval of meeting agenda
- Loan or leasing transactions
- Board member removal or hiring
Board Approval Process
The meeting approval process consists of various steps from submitting the proposal to documentation.
- Prepare a comprehensive proposal: The proposal serves as the foundation for the approval process. It should include clear objectives, supporting data, implications, and risks. Drafting meeting proposals should also cover the agenda, purpose, participants, and the required resources. These details provide board members with the necessary data to make decisions.
- Present to the Board of Directors: Whether for budget or company amendments, the proposal will be presented to the board during a meeting. This will allow the members to review the proposal, ask questions, and discuss the implications.
- Vote and document the decision: After a thorough discussion during the meeting, board members will have to vote on the proposal. Depending on the context and agree-upon method, they can opt for a simple show-of-hands or electronic voting. The results and any associated resolutions are recorded in the official meeting minutes.
Tips for Successful Meeting Approvals
- Anticipate feedback and questions: It is encouraged to always prepare to address potential questions or concerns with data-driven answers.
- Follow-up after decisions: Document and communicate outcomes and next steps promptly to ensure alignment.
- Automate meeting and approval workflows: Automation tools like project management software or board portals allow stakeholders to create proposals, track approvals, and provide real-time updates.
How to Say Motion to Approve Minutes
Without the approval of the meeting minutes, it is not considered an official record of the meeting. According to Robert’s Rules of Order, there are steps to follow in making a motion.
- A member raises their hands and says “I make a motion to approve the minutes of the [date] meeting as presented,” or any of its variations.
- Another member seconds the motion.
- The meeting is open to debate and discuss the motion. Amendments or corrections to the minutes are also discussed.
- The chairperson restates the motion and asks the board members to cast their votes to approve or not.
- The presiding officer or chairperson announces the results.