Solutions to Fit Your Team’s Every Need
Convene is an enterprise-wide collaboration solution that allows for versatile use across organizations.
Use Cases
Discover the ways you can incorporate Convene into your meeting processes.

Business Sessions

Committee Meetings

Lectures, Presentations, and Workshops
Convene in the Boardroom
Convene provides numerous intuitive tools that benefit every professional within the boardroom and helps them with their tasks and responsibilities.
Board Directors
Convene, as a board meeting app, allows directors to receive board packs digitally, while enabling features for remote collaboration.
C-Suite Executive
As decisions get more crucial and time-bound, Convene equips executives with the proper management tools that allow for quick decision-making.
Corporate Secretary
Quickly build meeting agendas and prepare for board meetings more efficiently, by reducing time-consuming ad hoc tasks with Convene.
IT Personnel
Have security in place, while maintaining full system ownership. Convene integrates seamlessly with the organization’s existing IT systems.
Convene Is The Leading Collaboration Solution
Discover more on why Convene is the best boardroom and enterprise-wide collaboration solution for your organization.

Why Choose Convene
Convene is designed to fit all types of organization, be user-friendly, and provide greater benefits to clients going paperless compared to other board portal providers in the market.

Security Features of Convene
Convene is internationally certified and recognized for its enterprise-grade security features that protects confidential data and allows for a secure meeting environment.

FAQs About Convene
Read answers to frequently asked questions about Convene including features, security, implementation, and support.
Discover The Latest At Convene
Take your organizations’ meetings to the next level.
Learn how Convene can give your boards a superior meeting experience.
Get a 30-day free trial with no cost or obligation.