What is Carbon Neutral?

Carbon neutral describes the balance between the total carbon emissions produced and absorbed by an organisation as part of tackling climate change. To achieve this condition, the carbon emissions emitted by the entity should not exceed the capacity of natural carbon sinks (e.g. the ocean, soil, and forests) to absorb them. Especially for most companies in which producing zero carbon emissions is close to impossible, the number of carbon emissions produced is equally offset to reach carbon neutrality.

Carbon Neutral vs. Net Zero

While the terms ‘carbon neutral’ and ‘net zero’ are sometimes used interchangeably, their strategies are not the same when it comes to greenhouse gas emissions. Both concepts are in pursuit of a balance of emissions, but the implications and approaches that come with each of these differ significantly.

Carbon Neutral Examples

These are some illustrations of the decarbonisation initiatives that companies are implementing to reach carbon neutrality:

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