A Quick Guide to ESG Reporting Frameworks
Find out here the top sustainability reporting frameworks and standards that your company can use when creating your ESG performance measurement.

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In this guide, you’ll learn:
- I.
ESG Reporting Mandates
Sustainability reporting mandates and regulations are created to guide companies on the amount and level of ESG information they will disclose. These mandates will not only help improve the ESG disclosure landscape, but also meet the expectations of the investors and other key stakeholders.
- II.
Frequently Used Reporting Frameworks
ESG reporting can be overwhelming, especially if your company is new to the sustainability journey. But by adopting the right ESG frameworks and standards, it will be easier for you to establish a sustainability performance measurement to use for your report. Learn about the SASB Standards, the newly-formed ISSB, and other frameworks in this paper.
- III.
The Role of SGX in Sustainability Reporting
As a self-regulatory organization, SGX develops sustainability reporting mandates and other ESG-related recommendations to guide listed companies. Effective 1 January 2022, SGX requires companies to follow a comply or explain basis in their climate reporting. More details about SGX’s mandates in the paper.
- IV.
Choosing the Best ESG Reporting Solution
Creating an ESG report for different facilities or buildings can be a tedious task to do manually. A good reporting software can process and analyze your company’s sustainability data, and ensure they are accurate and comprehensive. Find out why Convene ESG is the best tool for your reporting needs.
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