Icon Offshore Berhad Shows Why Convene Checks All Their Boxes for Being Paperlesss

ICON Offshore Berhad

Established in 1994, Icon Offshore Berhad (ICON), is one of the largest Offshore Support Vessel (OSV) providers in Malaysia and Southeast Asia in terms of number of OSVs. Convene is proud to have associated with ICON since 2019 for their board meeting digital needs.

With its newly acquired jack-up rig, ICON is set to transition into becoming a fully-integrated service provider. ICON owns and operates a fleet of OSVs and a newly acquired jack-up drilling rig. They provide a wide range of logistical support services throughout the entire offshore oil and gas life cycle, from exploration and appraisal, field development, operation and maintenance, through to decommissioning. ICON is a Malaysian-based OSV provider and all of the vessels are Malaysian-flagged, except for one.

ICON’s Legal and Information Technology team explains how Convene checks all the boxes in catering to ICON’s needs as they transition into realizing paperless meetings

Increased Efficiency & Data Confidentiality in Meeting Preparation

The conventional way of meeting preparation took a great deal of time and effort which was what the team in ICON experienced before engaging with Convene. The lack of right tools for editing and circulating meeting packs in time to all board members was really time-consuming; giving the directors little time to review the meeting packs.

“Prior to Convene, preparing meeting papers always consumed so much time and energy. There were many times we had to stay late in the office to prepare the meeting deck and ensure the board members received them in time before the meeting.”

Convene’s Agenda Builder feature made it easy for meeting organizers in ICON to prepare meeting packs with the necessary files before sharing them to their board members. Equipped with Document Encryption, Convene helps store all files securely while ensuring its confidentiality is preserved giving everyone peace of mind.

Seamless Transition towards Paperless Meetings

Transitioning to digital meeting platforms after years of paper based meetings can be difficult, but thanks to Convene’s efficient support team, a seamless transition alongside 24/7/365 live support, was experienced by ICON.

Their transition to paperless meetings was a successful one. “The transition was smooth and easy for the users who are mainly the board members and senior management team.”

Effective and Convenient Decision-Making

Part of being a board director is having to make important decisions for the company. Transitioning to a board management software allows board members and senior management of ICON to do more efficiently while having greater control and ownership of the meeting process leading to effective decision-makings

They also shared that Convene serves as a one-stop platform not just for meetings but also for collaborations and document management. “Convene is about convenience. It enables the board members to access meeting papers and make decisions effectively and conveniently.”

Streamlined Meeting Process

Implementing Convene has facilitated ICON to transform and streamline paper-based meeting process, allowing them to allocate their time and resources for other tasks which increases productivity

They also shared which part of the meeting preparation process Convene was able to shape the most. “The time for meeting preparation has been reduced from hours to minutes. Instead of printing, assembling, and shipping paper copies, all documents can now be uploaded into Convene for the board members.”

All-In-One Solution

Convene was the preferred choice for ICON in one of their efforts to embrace digitalization by realizing paperless meetings. Convene has met the pains and offered more especially on vital elements such as security, ease-of-use, support, and convenience, placing Convene a cut above from the rest.

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