Azeus Systems Holdings Ltd. Triumphantly Holds Their AGM Through a Hybrid Format

Azeus Systems Holdings Ltd. Triumphantly Holds Their AGM Through a Hybrid Format

Azeus Systems Holdings Limited is one of the leading IT companies based in Asia and is known for delivering IT services for more than 30 years. With extensive experience and a track record of successful IT projects for hundreds of private companies and government entities, Azeus Systems has achieved numerous accreditations and provides the highest quality of IT solutions.

Azeus Systems Holdings Ltd. on July 12, 2021, held their annual general meeting (AGM) at the Suntec Singapore Convention and Exhibition Centre through a hybrid format. A few of the directors and shareholders of Azeus Systems Holdings were present at the venue, while the rest attended the AGM remotely.

Conducting a Hybrid AGM

Using ConveneAGM, a hybrid AGM is possible and allows attendees to attend and participate in the AGM whether through onsite or offsite. During Azeus Systems Holdings Limited’s AGM, interaction of all physical and virtual participants was both facilitated through the use of the virtual AGM solution. ConveneAGM was able to host the live webcast of the AGM and allowed shareholders to conduct live Q&A and voting.

During Azeus System Holdings Limited’s AGM, only 50 attendees were allowed in the venue, to follow the health protocols of the government for onsite events. The rest of the shareholders and directors especially those from far away locations participated using Azeus System Holdings’ virtual AGM solution, ConveneAGM.

To safely follow the health protocols for onsite participants, only 50 attendees were allowed in the venue while the rest participated using the company’s in-house solution, ConveneAGM. Attendees that attended through virtual means were able to take part in live online voting and Q&A. Through the virtual AGM solution, they also had the option to send the queries for the board in text or video form.

The Best Way to Conduct Hybrid AGMs

While the world recovers steadily from the pandemic, organizations can expect a steady loosening of restrictions. Full onsite events might not be immediately possible, but the opportunity to conduct more hybrid meetings like Azeus Systems Holdings Limited’s annual general meeting is becoming more feasible.

The ConveneAGM team believes that to hold and conduct a successful hybrid AGM like the one of Azeus Systems, it requires a preparations and the right amount of planning. This would include appropriate time in booking the venue, aligning with third parties such as live production crews, and scheduling rehearsal that are crucial to the AGM preparation process.

Rehearsing and Planning the Logistics Early

Before the AGM proper, Azeus Systems Holdings Limited conducted several rehearsals remotely and in the venue itself to ensure that the entire meeting flow was seamless. The AGM team wanted to make sure that everything would go smoothly and that all logistical, creative, and technical items were well-coordinated during the event.

To ensure the best quality event, the AGM team recommended the use of high-speed internet and state-of-the-art A/V equipment. These types of equipment are paramount in producing a large-scale event and definitely ensures a high-quality broadcast to virtual participants.

Directors Being Present in the Meeting Physically and Remotely

Despite geographical barriers, Azeus System Holdings Limited’s hybrid AGM allowed its directors residing outside of Singapore to become visibly present virtually to shareholders attending physically through a large projector screen behind the board directors who were onsite.

Azeus System’s directors that were present in the venue included Deputy Chairman Michael Yap, Mr. Koji Mura, and Company Secretary Mr. Wai Ming Yap. Board directors who were attending remotely included Azeus Chairman Wan Lik Lee and four other directors who joined in virtually from Hong Kong. Group Financial Controller Ms. Peggy Sam also virtually attended the AGM, joining in from Canada.

Shareholders participating through physical or remote means were able to watch Azeus Chairman Wan Lik Lee give his opening remarks, introduce the board of directors present physically and virtually in the AGM, and handed over the chair of the meeting to Deputy Chairmam Michael Yap.

Throughout the AGM, physical and virtual attendees were able to see all the directors and pose questions to them during the Q&A segments after each agenda item.

Fielding Physical and Virtual Questions Efficiently

In Azeus System Holdings Limited’s Q&A portion for each agenda item, they took in questions from physical attendees first, followed by the text questions submitted through the AGM meeting portal. Afterwards, they directors also answered live video and audio questions from shareholders joining in remotely.

For the Q&A portion of the AGM, physical attendees came first because they were already queued in-line before the segment. While questions from physical attendees were being addressed, shareholders participating virtually were given ample time to either type in their questions pertaining to the specific agenda item being discussed or queue in for an audio/video question, while waiting for the moderator to admit them at the right time. Text questions were then addressed first to allow appropriate time for the moderator to admit shareholders wanting to ask questions through the live video/audio channel.

Azeus System Holdings Limited’s hybrid AGM followed this order to ensure minimal delay between questions coming in from different channels, which afforded the organizers more time to address even more questions.

Allowing Voting Throughout the Meeting and Announcing Results at the End

To fully capture the full live experience a hybrid AGM can deliver, Azeus Systems Holdings Limited allowed shareholders to vote from the beginning until right before the close of the meeting. This way, any late attendees would still have enough time to cast their votes.

Shareholders, especially those joining virtually, had plenty of time to cast their votes during the meeting. Once the vote was closed, the company scrutineer immediately validated the results. For the sake of transparency, the results were immediately published after validation within the virtual AGM solution to be viewed by all attendees.

Azeus Systems Holdings Limited Recommends Hybrid AGMs

Overall, hybrid AGMs pave the way for an increased shareholder engagement as it breaks through geographical barriers, complies with prevailing health protocols, and allows all participants to engage in relevant matters.

The AGM team of Azeus Systems Holdings Ltd. notes that by employing the best practices for hybrid AGMs, it can provide shareholders with an equal opportunity to contribute to the discussion and raise their concerns regardless of their location and mode of participation.

Hybrid AGM’s help increase shareholder confidence and trust as they can meaningfully contribute to setting the course of the company towards its goals and addressing the issues it faces.

ConveneAGM is the virtual and hybrid AGM solution for leading organizations in Asia. ConveneAGM helps organizations to hold their organizational meeting whether in a fully virtual or hybrid format. Request a demo now to see how ConveneAGM can help organizations with their meeting needs.

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